Välkommen till Magnus Fyrfalk!

Och Fyrfalk Content!

Jag heter Magnus Fyrfalk. Missonen med min firma Fyrfalk Content AB är att hjälpa medelstora och stora företag och koncerner att skapa enastående bra innehåll till internationella och svenska kongresser, konferenser och stora möten. Jag och mitt nätverk bidrar med:

– Idé och koncept

– Research

– Manus och innehållsproduktion

– Filmproduktion

– Moderator/konferencier

– Workshops och diskussionledning i storformat

– Talarträning och eventregi


Corporate event communication with a difference

When creating and producing a meeting for our clients, we always put the participant’s experience in the foreground. Which tools and methods are best suited to create the desired outcome of the meeting? We use journalistic methods to dive deep into your culture, messages, and objectives of the event. Then, we merge this with decades of combined experience in creating concepts for successful and uplifting congresses, conferences, or webcasts, to a format for your unique event.

Our mission is to bring the ‘feeling’ of your company into the on-stage presentations and make them work on a deeper emotional level than only the facts and figures. The methods we use are never ‘gimmicky’ or just there for the sake of being ‘new’. We know they are bringing corporate meeting communication into the 21st century and making it suitable for our times and a new generation. Always with a high degree of interaction and care for your brand and your relations. 

Some of our suggestions might seem a bit “novel” but rest assured we have tried, tested, and perfected them over the past 15 years. And even though we sometimes encounter some initial apprehension when it comes to changing the way meetings usually are done, we always achieve our aim to deliver excellence.

Swedish: Självklart arbetar vi till stor del även i Sverige och på svenska. Välkommen att kontakta mig, Magnus Fyrfalk, så berättar jag mer!


De flesta av våra uppdragsgivare blir återkommande kunder. Här är ett urval av de företag vi har samarbetat med: 

Audi, Boverket, Cambio, Contrast AB, CWT, Deloitte, Electrolux, Elitfönster, EU-komissionen, Fortnox, Företagarna, Galvin Green., Gates, IBM, Hiab, Krica/SAPU, Key2Compliance, Lyreco, Löfbergs, Mbrace, Minnesota, Metsä Tissue, Porsche, PwC, Sveriges Television, Skandia, Skanska, Swedbank, Södra, Tidsam, TV4, Visma, Volkswagen


About Magnus Fyrfalk

Magnus Fyrfalk is a journalist, moderator, and senior content producer for large corporate events and television/webcast productions, both in Sweden and internationally. He has developed his unique form of producing and moderating meetings over the past 15 years. Always with a strong focus on participant involvement and interactivity.

His foundation is his education in journalism and tv-production. During his career, Magnus has worked closely with the top management of several international companies.

He has also worked as a presenter and editor for Swedish national broadcaster SVT and as a news anchor for regular financial broadcasts for one of the leading banks in Sweden.

Although now based in Sweden, Magnus has lived and worked internationally, including in the UK, Belgium, and Spain.

Magnus is also a passionate long-distance hiker. In 2021 he published a book about his first hike along the legendary pilgrim’s road ’El Camino’ to Santiago de Compostela. This book became the starting point of Fyrfalk Content Publishing.